委内瑞拉的大规模抗议、海地的危机和巴西的政变阴谋指控主导2024年美洲动荡。 Mass protests in Venezuela, Haiti's crisis, and Brazil's coup plot allegations dominate 2024 Americas turmoil.
2024年,美洲发生了重大动乱,特别是在委内瑞拉,马杜罗总统竞选连任后爆发了大规模抗议,导致政府镇压,至少23人死亡,数千人被捕。 In 2024, the Americas saw significant turmoil, particularly in Venezuela where mass protests erupted after President Maduro's contentious re-election, leading to a government crackdown with at least 23 deaths and thousands of arrests. 在海地,涉及帮派暴力和袭击国家机构的危机日益加深,迫使数千人逃离。 In Haiti, a deepening crisis involving gang violence and attacks on state institutions forced thousands to flee. 与此同时,巴西指控前总统贾尔·博尔索纳罗参与政变阴谋,阻止他失败,而他否认这一点,称其为政治迫害。 Meanwhile, Brazil accused former President Jair Bolsonaro of involvement in a coup plot to prevent his defeat, which he denies, calling it a political witch hunt.