在Happ Reptile动物园,115岁的乌龟Bibi和Poldi在Bibi攻击Poldi之后分离。 At Happ Reptile Zoo, 115-year-old tortoises Bibi and Poldi separated after Bibi attacked Poldi.
在奥地利的哈普爬行动物动物园,发生了一件意想不到的事情,115 岁的Bibi 和 Poldi 在 Bibi 袭击 Poldi 并咬伤了他的部分壳后突然分开。 At Happ Reptile Zoo in Austria, an unexpected event occurred when 115-year-old tortoises Bibi and Poldi suddenly separated after Bibi attacked Poldi, biting part of his shell. 这起事件凸显了动物关系的不可预测性, 与某些鸟类(如流浪信天翁)的一夫一妻制行为形成鲜明对比, 后者离婚率为10%。 This incident, highlighting the unpredictable nature of animal relationships, contrasts with the monogamous behavior seen in some bird species, like the wandering albatross, which has a 10% divorce rate. 气候变化和对伴侣的竞争等因素可能影响动物伙伴关系。 Factors such as climate change and competition for mates can affect animal partnerships.