Ghustin Boyce,22岁,因入侵住宅、殴打和持械抢劫在林菲尔德被捕。 Ghustin Boyce, 22, arrested for home invasion, assault, and armed robbery in Lynnfield.
22岁的男子,Everett的Ghustin Boyce, 星期天晚上在Lynnfield的一次家庭入侵后被捕。 A 22-year-old man, Ghustin Boyce from Everett, was arrested after a home invasion in Lynnfield on Sunday night. 警方,包括州警和埃塞克斯县郡警署,对报告作出了回应,发现了Boyce。 Police, including state troopers and the Essex County Sheriff’s Department, responded to the report and found Boyce. 他面临侵入住宅、用危险武器袭击和殴打以及持械抢劫的指控。 He faces charges of home invasion, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, and armed robbery. Boyce将出现在皮博迪区法院。 The incident is not considered random, and Boyce will appear in Peabody District Court.