2024年加沙冲突升级,造成45 000多人死亡,数百万人流离失所,暴力遍及整个中东。 Gaza conflict escalated in 2024, leaving over 45,000 dead and millions displaced, with violence spreading across the Middle East.
2024年,中东的冲突不断加深,特别是在加沙,在那里,以色列-巴勒斯坦之间的战斗造成45 300多名巴勒斯坦人死亡,108 000人受伤,数百万人流离失所。 In 2024, the Middle East saw deepening conflicts, notably in Gaza where the Israel-Palestine fighting left over 45,300 Palestinians dead and nearly 108,000 injured, displacing millions. 暴力蔓延到黎巴嫩、也门和伊朗,而利比亚和苏丹的不稳定加剧。 Violence spread to Lebanon, Yemen, and Iran, while instability increased in Libya and Sudan. 阿萨德政府在叙利亚的倒台加剧了地区紧张。 The fall of Assad's government in Syria added to regional tensions. 尽管停火脆弱,但以色列的空袭仍在继续,部分依靠美国军事援助。 Despite a fragile ceasefire, Israeli airstrikes continued, fueled partly by U.S. military aid. 随着2025年的临近,该区域的和平与稳定的未来仍然不确定。 The future of peace and stability in the region remains uncertain as 2025 approaches.