德里禁止公交车工作人员接走妇女, 鼓励透过社交媒体报导。 Delhi suspends bus staff refusing to pick up women, encourages reporting via social media.
德里首席部长阿提西(Atishi)宣布, 巴士司机和指挥员因拒绝在指定站点搭载女性乘客, 将被停职。 Delhi's Chief Minister Atishi announced that bus drivers and conductors will be suspended for refusing to pick up female passengers at designated stops. 敦促妇女通过在社交媒体上分享照片,报告此类事件。 Women are urged to report such incidents by sharing photos on social media. 德里政府为妇女提供免费的"粉红色"通行证,还偿还DTC和集群巴士费用, 确保司机无需绕过停车场的经济原因. The Delhi government provides free 'pink' passes for women, reimbursing DTC and Cluster buses, ensuring no financial reason for drivers to bypass stops.