AAP指控BJP和Saxena以宪法问题为由解雇超过10 000名公交车行长。 AAP accuses BJP and Saxena of dismissing over 10,000 bus marshals, citing constitutional issues.
德里的Aam Aadmi党(AAP)指控Bharatiya Janata党(BJP)和副总督V.K.。 The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in Delhi accuses the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Lieutenant Governor V.K. Saxena策划解雇了10 000多名公交车行长,声称他们误导工人要求复职。 Saxena of orchestrating the dismissal of over 10,000 bus marshals, claiming they misled the workers about reinstatement. Saxena认为该计划违宪, 并建议德里政府应对公共汽车而不是副总督采取安全措施。 Saxena argues the scheme is unconstitutional and suggests the Delhi government should handle the security measures on buses, not the Lieutenant Governor. 争议凸显出在治理和公共安全举措责任方面的冲突。 The dispute highlights a conflict over governance and responsibility for public safety initiatives.