德里法院批准公路暴乱的保释, 裁定逮捕是不合理的 Delhi court grants bail to road rage accused, ruling arrest was unjustified after compliance with notice.
德里法院批准保释一名被控在公路暴怒案件中的男子,裁定逮捕一名遵守向调查官员出庭通知的人违反了法律。 A Delhi court granted bail to a man accused in a road rage case, ruling that arresting someone who has complied with a notice to appear before an investigation officer violates the law. 法院指出,被告被控造成严重伤害,在收到通知后到调查官面前受审,逮捕他是没有道理的。 The court stated that once the accused, who was charged with causing a grievous injury, appeared before the investigation officer after receiving a notice, his arrest was unjustified. 法院驳回了被告可能威胁证人的论点,并给予他保释。 The court rejected arguments that the accused might threaten witnesses and granted him bail.