印度最高法院裁定,因一项罪行被羁押的个人可在另一案件中申请逮捕前保释。 Supreme Court of India rules that an individual in custody for one crime can apply for pre-arrest bail in another case.
印度最高法院裁定,因一起刑事案件被羁押的个人,如果尚未因第二起案件被捕,可申请另一案件的预期保释。 The Supreme Court of India has determined that an individual in custody for one criminal case can apply for anticipatory bail in another case, provided they have not yet been arrested in connection with that second matter. 裁决澄清说,没有任何法律限制阻止开庭或高等法院准予这种保释。 The ruling clarifies that there are no legal restrictions preventing sessions or high courts from granting such bail. 这一决定旨在确保一个案件中的羁押不妨碍另一个案件中的被告的权利。 This decision aims to ensure that custody in one case does not hinder the rights of an accused in another case.