孟买高等法院拒绝保释被控驾驶1.5公里的车祸后驾车飞越孟买受害者的男子。 Bombay High Court denies bail to man accused of driving over Mumbai victim for 1.5 km post-crash.
孟买高等法院拒绝保释Mihir Shah及其司机Rajrishi Bidawat,他们被指控在孟买的一起肇事逃逸案件中。 The Bombay High Court denied bail to Mihir Shah and his driver Rajrishi Bidawat, who are accused in a hit-and-run case in Mumbai. 据称,Shah把他的宝马赶进一辆两轮车,杀死一名妇女,打伤她的丈夫。 Shah is alleged to have driven his BMW into a two-wheeler, killing a woman and injuring her husband. 他继续开车,将受害人的尸体缠在车里,持续1.5公里以上。 He continued driving with the victim's body entangled in the car for over 1.5 km. 法院驳回了他们关于非法逮捕的申诉,指出警察遵循法律程序。 The court dismissed their claims of illegal arrest, stating the police followed legal procedures. Shah的父亲是Shiv Sena前领导人,也曾被短暂逮捕,但后来获准保释。 Shah's father, a former Shiv Sena leader, was also briefly arrested but later granted bail.