澳大利亚领导人向前任美国总统致敬,强调他对全球政策和美国-澳大利亚关系的影响。 Australian leaders honor former U.S. president, stressing his impact on global policies and U.S.-Australia ties.
澳大利亚领导人对前美国总统表示敬意,承认他对国际关系和两国间牢固联盟的影响。 Australian leaders have paid tribute to former US President, acknowledging his impact on international relations and the strong alliance between the two nations. 没有提及具体名称,但赞扬强调了总统在制订全球政策和与澳大利亚保持关系方面发挥的重要作用。 No specific name was mentioned, but the tribute highlights the significant role the president played in shaping global policies and maintaining ties with Australia.