苹果确认它不会开发自己的搜索引擎 不顾反托拉斯的压力 坚持Google Apple confirms it won't develop its own search engine, sticking with Google despite antitrust pressures.
苹果不会开发自己的搜索引擎, Apple is not developing its own search engine despite antitrust scrutiny of Google. 苹果公司资深副总裁Eddy Cue解释说, 创建搜索引擎将花费数十亿年, 与苹果公司对隐私的关注相冲突。 Eddy Cue, Apple's senior vice president, explained that creating a search engine would cost billions and take years, conflicting with Apple's focus on privacy. 苹果作为iPhones的默认搜索引擎, 从Google赚到数十亿美元, Apple earns billions from Google as the default search engine on iPhones, but the partnership is under scrutiny due to antitrust investigations. 苹果公司维护这项交易,同时澄清,它无意进入搜索引擎业务。 Apple is defending the deal while clarifying it has no interest in entering the search engine business.