苹果的Eddy Cue宣布苹果不会开发自己的搜索引擎, 原因是高风险和资源需求。 Apple's Eddy Cue announced Apple won't develop its own search engine due to high risks and resource demands.
苹果公司高级副总裁Eddy Cue宣布 苹果公司没有计划开发自己的搜索引擎 Apple's Senior Vice President, Eddy Cue, announced that Apple has no plans to develop its own search engine. Cue强调了重大风险和资源需求,包括AI技术开发的延迟开始和为有针对性的广告创建一个平台的复杂性。 Cue highlighted significant risks and resource demands, including the late start in AI technology development and the complexity of creating a platform for targeted advertising. 由于苹果设备上默认设置搜索引擎, 苹果目前每年从谷歌上赚取200亿美元。 Apple currently earns $20 billion annually from Google due to the default search engine placement on Apple devices.