一名62岁的男子在穿越密歇根电讯报路时被汽车撞死。 A 62-year-old man died after being hit by a car while crossing Telegraph Road in Michigan.
一名62岁的男子在穿越密歇根州雷德福德镇的南行电报路时被一辆汽车撞死。 A 62-year-old man was killed after being struck by a vehicle while crossing southbound Telegraph Road in Redford Township, Michigan. 司机留在现场,并与警方合作。 The driver stayed at the scene and cooperated with police. 当局正在调查是否涉及另一辆车,因为发现该男子的地点不同于最初报告的地点。 Authorities are investigating if another vehicle was involved, as the man was found in a different location than initially reported. 酒精或药物都不是因素。 Neither alcohol nor drugs were factors. 敦促证人与Redford镇警察交通局联系。 Witnesses are urged to contact the Redford Township Police Traffic Bureau.