一名行人在密歇根州肯特伍德被一辆汽车杀死,司机与警方合作。 A pedestrian was killed by a vehicle in Kentwood, Michigan, with the driver cooperating with police.
一名行人于星期日晚上在密歇根州肯特伍德第32街和Pheasant Ridge十字路口遭到一辆汽车致命袭击,第一反应者试图帮助受害者,但他们在现场被宣布死亡。 A pedestrian was fatally struck by a vehicle in Kentwood, Michigan, on Sunday evening at the intersection of 32nd St. and Pheasant Ridge Dr. First responders attempted to aid the victim, but they were pronounced dead at the scene. 司机留下,正与当局合作。 The driver stayed and is cooperating with authorities. 没有发生额外受伤。 No additional injuries occurred. 肯特伍德警察正在请求公共援助,敦促任何拥有信息的人伸出援手。 Kentwood Police are requesting public assistance, urging anyone with information to reach out.