在Grand Rapids的Leonard街上,一名男子在穿越东贝尔特线时被一辆汽车击中身亡。 A man was struck and killed by a vehicle while crossing East Beltline at Leonard Street in Grand Rapids.
星期三凌晨6时30分左右,一名男子在Grand Rapids的Leonard街穿越东贝尔特线时被一辆汽车撞死。 A man was fatally struck by a vehicle while crossing East Beltline at Leonard Street in Grand Rapids around 6:30 a.m. on Wednesday. 尽管为挽救生命作出了努力,受害者还是死在现场。 Despite lifesaving efforts, the victim died at the scene. 司机留在现场并与警察合作,似乎不受酒精的影响。 The driver, who remained at the scene and cooperated with police, does not appear to be under the influence of alcohol. 东 " 带 " 线南行道被关闭进行调查。 The southbound lanes of East Beltline were closed for investigation. 当局正在向证人寻求信息。 Authorities are seeking information from witnesses.