沃尔玛更新明尼苏达州的优惠券规则, 限制现金返还和使用相同的优惠券。 Walmart updates coupon rules in Minnesota, limiting cash back and use of identical coupons.
明尼苏达州的沃尔玛商店推出了新的优惠券规则,可能会影响购物者的储蓄。 Walmart stores in Minnesota have introduced new coupon rules that could affect shoppers' savings. 如果优惠券超过项目价格、每户每日四张相同优惠券的限额、对确定优惠券有效性的登记、以及只为商店内购买而接受的纸质优惠券,而不是在线订单,则不作现金回扣。 Changes include no cash back if coupons exceed item prices, a limit of four identical coupons per household daily, registers determining coupon validity, and paper coupons only accepted for in-store purchases, not online orders. 这些更新可能影响到那些依靠优惠券储蓄的人。 These updates may impact those who rely on coupons for savings.