沃尔玛将马萨诸塞州购物者的回程期限延长至1月31日或90天。 Walmart extends return period for Massachusetts shoppers to January 31 or 90 days for holiday purchases.
Walmart延长了对马萨诸塞州居民的假日返回政策,允许从10月1日至12月31日购买物品的返回,直至购买之后的1月31日或90天。 Walmart extended its holiday return policy for Massachusetts residents, allowing returns on items bought from October 1 to December 31 until January 31 or 90 days from purchase. 这一扩大窗口的目的是在假日期间提供更多便利。 This extended window aims to offer more convenience during the holiday season. 保健物品、武器、弹药、服务、娱乐车辆、汽车、玩具、赌博物品和交易卡都适用例外。 Exceptions apply to healthcare items, weapons, ammunition, services, recreational vehicles, automotive, toy, gaming items, and trading cards. 如果出示有效的身份证,马萨诸塞州沃尔玛商店允许无收据的回返。 Walmart stores in Massachusetts allow returns without receipts if a valid ID is presented.