沃尔玛否认在新冠肺炎疫情期间恢复 24 小时营业的计划。 Walmart denies plans to return to 24-hour operations amid COVID-19 pandemic.
沃尔玛否认了将在包括路易斯安那州和纽约在内的所有门店恢复 24 小时营业的谣言。 Walmart has debunked rumors that it will resume 24-hour operations at all of its locations, including those in Louisiana and New York. 在新冠肺炎疫情期间,许多沃尔玛商店缩短了营业时间,目前还没有恢复 24 小时营业的计划。 Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, many Walmart stores reduced operating hours, and there are currently no plans to return to 24-hour operations. 该公司近期做出了多项变革,但恢复 24 小时运营并不在其中。 The company has made several changes recently, but the resumption of 24-hour operations is not among them.