Virgin Voyages强调机组人员的福利,如免费无线上网,并支付医疗费用,以创造更好的游轮经验。 Virgin Voyages emphasizes crew benefits like free Wi-Fi and covered medical expenses to create a better cruise experience.
Virgin Voyages, Richard Branson的成人独家游轮, 专注于创造一个宽松的、没有判断力的环境。 Virgin Voyages, Richard Branson's adults-only cruise line, focuses on creating a relaxed, judgment-free environment. CEO Nirmal Saverimuttu强调对机组人员的好处,包括免费无线上网、改善食物、支付制服和医疗费用,以促进积极的气氛。 CEO Nirmal Saverimuttu highlights benefits for crew, including free Wi-Fi, improved food, and covered uniforms and medical expenses, to foster a positive atmosphere. 该公司力求在300多个客户接触点上取得优异成绩,同时保持最高巡航标准,利用水手反馈来增加经验。 The company aims to excel in over 300 customer touch points while maintaining top cruise standards, using sailor feedback to enhance the experience.