挪威游轮公司任命新的首席奢侈品干事到2029年提升奢侈游轮品牌。 Norwegian Cruise Line appoints new Chief Luxury Officer to boost luxury cruise brands by 2029.
挪威游轮控股公司已任命Jason Montague为首席奢侈品干事,领导其奢侈品品牌 " 大洋洲游轮 " 和 " 摄政七海游轮 " 的扩展。 Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings has appointed Jason Montague as Chief Luxury Officer to lead the expansion of its luxury brands, Oceania Cruises and Regent Seven Seas Cruises. 蒙塔格将监督一项耗资数十亿美元的计划,其中包括在2029年以前增加五艘新船和翻修现有船只。 Montague will oversee a multibillion-dollar plan that includes adding five new ships and refurbishing existing vessels by 2029. 这一举措支持该公司的"走向图"战略,以加强其在豪华邮轮市场的地位. This move supports the company's "Charting the Course" strategy to strengthen its position in the luxury cruise market.