英国劳工政府对私立学校收费征收20%的增值税,以增加国家教育资金。 UK Labour government imposes 20% VAT on private school fees to boost state education funding.
英国劳工政府将从1月1日起对私立学校收费征收20%的增值税,到2029-30年每年筹集超过15亿英镑。 The UK's Labour government will impose a 20% VAT on private school fees starting January 1, raising over £1.5 billion annually by 2029-30. 资金将促进公立学校的发展,雇用6 500名新教师并提高标准。 Funds will boost state schools, hiring 6,500 new teachers and improving standards. 批评者认为税收会迫使高收费, 并导致私立学校关闭, 可能导致州立学校入学人数激增。 Critics argue the tax could force fee hikes and lead to private school closures, potentially causing a surge in state school enrollment. 政府捍卫这项举措,旨在减少教育不平等并确保为公立学校提供公平资金。 The government defends the move, aiming to reduce educational inequality and ensure fair funding for state schools.