UDST在2025年秋天推出了7个新方案,包括航空工程和数据科学。 UDST launches seven new programs, including aeronautical engineering and data science, for Fall 2025.
多哈科技大学在2025年秋季推出了7个新课程,包括航空工程、航空管理、数据科学和STEM教育学位。 The University of Doha for Science and Technology (UDST) has launched seven new programs for Fall 2025, including degrees in aeronautical engineering, aviation management, data science, and STEM education. 为实际应用设计的这些方案是与国家和国际实体合作制定的。 These programs, designed for practical applications, are developed in partnership with national and international entities. 2025年1月开放入学,目的是使学生为卡塔尔发展中经济中不断变化的就业市场做好准备。 Admissions open in January 2025, aiming to prepare students for the evolving job market in Qatar's developing economy.