与卡塔尔技术部合作,多哈大学主办首所关于AI和软件工程的冬季学校。 University of Doha hosts first Winter School on AI and Software Engineering with Qatar's tech ministry.
多哈科技大学与卡塔尔通信和信息技术部合作,主办了首所AI和软件工程学的冬季学术学校。 The University of Doha for Science and Technology hosted its first Winter School for Academics in AI and Software Engineering, collaborating with Qatar's Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. 在四天的时间里,这次活动包括由国际专家牵头的关于AI进步和数字双胞胎等主题的会谈、讲习班和讨论。 Over four days, the event featured talks, workshops, and discussions led by international experts on topics like AI advancements and digital twins. 这符合卡塔尔培养技术驱动专业人员的国家战略。 This aligns with Qatar's national strategy to foster technology-driven professionals.