卡塔尔大学推出了第三个创业奖,鼓励不同类别的创新。 Qatar University launches third entrepreneurship awards, encouraging innovation across various categories.
卡塔尔大学推出了第三次卡塔尔创业奖申请,承认创业创新和卓越表现。 Qatar University has launched applications for the third Qatar Entrepreneurship Awards, recognizing innovation and excellence in entrepreneurship. 获奖者包括创新技术类别、绿色初创企业和女企业家。 Organized with HyperThink Systems, the awards include categories for innovative technology, green startups, and women entrepreneurs. 去年收到了500多份申请,该大学鼓励卡塔尔和区域初创企业参与。 Over 500 applications were received last year, and the university encourages participation from Qatari and regional startups.