土耳其的目标是到2025年促进中国的旅游业,重点突出著名的和隐藏的宝石。 Turkey aims to boost Chinese tourism by 2025, highlighting both famous and hidden gems.
土耳其正在努力到2025年吸引更多中国游客,重点是卡帕多西亚等著名地点和黑海海岸等不太知名地区。 Turkey is working to attract more Chinese tourists by 2025, focusing on both well-known sites like Cappadocia and lesser-known areas such as the Black Sea coast. 土耳其旅游促进和发展机构正在为中国旅行社安排旅行,以宣传这些目的地。 The Turkish Tourism Promotion and Development Agency is organizing trips for Chinese travel agents to promote these destinations. 中国的Z世代热衷于访问社交媒体上的新地方, The strategy is bolstered by the enthusiasm of China's Z generation, who are eager to visit new places seen on social media. 在2024年头11个月,土耳其的中国游客增加了70.88%,共计381,200人。 In the first 11 months of 2024, Turkey saw a 70.88% increase in Chinese visitors, totaling 381,200.