青少年在肇事逃逸中受重伤;司机在东Dubbo逃离现场后被逮捕。 Teen critically injured in hit-and-run; driver arrested after fleeing scene in East Dubbo.
一名16岁的男孩在东Dubbo发生肇事逃逸事件后受重伤。 A 16-year-old boy is critically injured after a hit-and-run incident in East Dubbo. 据称,一辆Nissan SUV撞上了他的摩托车,据信是被偷的,并把他困住。 A Nissan SUV allegedly hit his motorcycle, believed to be stolen, trapping him. SUV司机是一名21岁的妇女,在试图逃跑后被逮捕,被控危险驾驶和其他罪行。 The SUV driver, a 21-year-old woman, was arrested after attempting to flee and charged with dangerous driving and other offenses. 摩托车骑手在帮助抵达之前逃离,调查继续查明他们的身份。 The motorcycle rider fled before help arrived, and the investigation continues to identify them.