印度有超过100人被控攻击抗议牛棚状况的印度教活动家。 Over 100 people in India are charged for attacking Hindu activists protesting a cow shelter's condition.
包括印度Badhai Kala村村长在内的100多人被指控攻击印度教活动家,抗议当地一个奶牛收容所的恶劣状况。 Over 100 people, including the village head in Badhai Kala, India, have been charged for allegedly attacking Hindu activists protesting the poor condition of a local cow shelter. 还针对据称袭击村民的36名活动分子提起了诉讼。 A case has also been filed against 36 activists for allegedly assaulting villagers. 指控包括暴动、攻击、违反动物虐待和反暴行法。 Charges include rioting, assault, and violations of animal cruelty and anti-atrocities laws. 事件发生于12月24日,调查仍在继续。 The incident occurred on December 24th, and the investigation continues.