17 岁新孟买学生被杀,六名同学被控谋杀和袭击。 17-year-old Navi Mumbai student killed, six college mates charged with murder and assault.
17 岁新孟买学生被六名大学同学殴打致死;朋友受伤了。 17-year-old Navi Mumbai student beaten to death by six college mates; friend injured. 警方根据 IPC 第 302 条(谋杀)、第 326 条(造成严重伤害)、第 323 条(故意造成伤害)、第 143 条(非法集会)和第 147 条(骚乱)立案。 Police file case under IPC sections 302 (murder), 326 (causing grievous hurt), 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), 143 (unlawful assembly), and 147 (rioting). 另外,新孟买的一名男子和女儿因涉及流浪狗的纠纷而袭击了 62 岁的妇女;根据 IPC 第 323 条(故意造成伤害)和第 504 条(意图煽动破坏和平的侮辱)受到指控。 Separately, a man and daughter attack 62-year-old woman in Navi Mumbai over dispute involving stray dogs; charged under IPC sections 323 (voluntarily causing hurt) and 504 (insult with intent to provoke breach of peace).