印度的母亲和女儿遭到攻击,在与种姓有关的水纠纷中被邻居剥光。 Mother and daughter in India assaulted, stripped by neighbors in caste-related water dispute.
在印度纳维孟买的一位母亲和她18岁的女儿因水纠纷遭到邻居的残暴攻击。 A mother and her 18-year-old daughter in Navi Mumbai, India, were brutally assaulted by their neighbors over a water dispute. 袭击者据称来自一家八口人,他们剥光女儿的衣服,并使用种姓主义的污泥。 The attackers, allegedly from a family of eight, stripped the daughter and used casteist slurs. 至今尚未逮捕任何人员,但已根据一些章节提出了案件,包括旨在侮辱谦卑和污辱人格的殴打行为,以及反对种姓暴行的规定。 No arrests have been made yet, but a case has been filed under sections including assault with intent to outrage modesty and disrobe, along with provisions against caste-based atrocities.