国家公园管理局考虑购买内布拉斯加州的 Rocky Ford 急流站点,以保护皮划艇运动员的公共通道。 National Park Service mulls buying Nebraska's Rocky Ford rapids site to preserve public access for kayakers.
国家公园管理局正在考虑购买内布拉斯加州尼奥布拉拉河上占地 26 英亩的洛基福特急流场地,以保留漂浮旅行和皮划艇的公共通道。 The National Park Service is considering buying the 26-acre Rocky Ford rapids site on the Niobrara River in Nebraska to preserve public access for float trips and kayaking. 该地区是一个广受欢迎的接待点,每年吸引约75 000名游客。 The area is a popular take-out point and attracts about 75,000 visitors annually. 目前的所有者Brad Arowsmith愿意出售财产,但购买价格和时限的细节仍然不确定。 The current owner, Brad Arrowsmith, is open to selling the property, but details on the purchase price and timeline are still uncertain.