怀俄明州州长将州土地卖给美国100万美金 扩建大泰顿国家公园 Wyoming governor sells state land to U.S. for $100M, expanding Grand Teton National Park.
怀俄明州州长Mark Gordon已批准向美国政府出售一平方英里的国有土地, Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon has approved the sale of a 1-square-mile parcel of state-owned land to the U.S. government for $100 million to be added to Grand Teton National Park. 这片土地是象骆驼和灰熊这样的野生生物的主要栖息地,其估计价值为6 250万美元,其余由私人资金支付。 The land, prime habitat for wildlife like elk and grizzly bears, will be bought for its appraised value of $62.5 million, with the rest covered by private funds. 从1929年公园成立之前,怀俄明州就拥有了这块土地, 这笔买卖结束了国家向开发商出售它的威胁。 Wyoming has owned the land since before the park's establishment in 1929, and this sale concludes the state's threats to sell it to developers.