北达科他州计划将Pembina峡谷变为州公园,投资800万美元。 North Dakota plans to turn the Pembina Gorge into a state park with $8 million investment.
北达科他州的Pembina Gorge, 2800英亩自然保护区, 将成为州第14个州公园。 North Dakota's Pembina Gorge, a 2,800-acre nature reserve, is set to become the state's 14th state park. 州长Doug Burgum宣布计划投资800万美元,其中600万美元来自州基金,200万美元来自联邦基金,用于第一阶段的发展。 Governor Doug Burgum announced plans to invest $8 million, with $6 million from state funds and $2 million from federal funds, for the first phase of development. 该项目旨在创建一个“冒险公园”,拥有55个单位的露营场地、小木屋、各种活动的足迹以及国家唯一的白水漂流机会。 The project aims to create an "adventure park" with a 55-unit campground, cabins, trails for various activities, and the state's only white-water rafting opportunity. 预计每年将吸引8 000至10 000名访客,该地区具有不同的景观和户外机会。 Expected to attract 8,000 to 10,000 visitors annually, the area features diverse landscapes and outdoor opportunities.