圣诞节前夕,在Rosine的一个前线街道地点,多件火器被盗,引发了调查。 Multiple firearms were stolen from a Front Street location in Rosine on Christmas Eve, sparking an investigation.
圣诞节前夕,在Rosine Front Street的一处地点,多件火器被盗。 Multiple firearms were stolen from a location on Front Street in Rosine on Christmas Eve. 俄亥俄州郡警长办公室正在进行调查,并要求公众于12月24日在270-298-4411号联系调度中心,报告有关可疑活动的任何信息。 The Ohio County Sheriff's Office is investigating and has asked the public to report any information about suspicious activities on December 24th by contacting dispatch at 270-298-4411. 被盗枪支的确切数量尚未公布。 The exact number of stolen guns is not yet disclosed.