在印度,一名男子因在第三个女儿出生后吸毒和放火烧他的妻子而被捕。 A man in India is arrested for dousing and setting his wife on fire after the birth of their third daughter.
一名32岁的男子,名叫Kundlik Uttam Kale,来自马哈拉施特拉邦Parbhani,据称因在妻子Maina生了第三个女儿后放火烧她而被逮捕。 A 32-year-old man named Kundlik Uttam Kale from Parbhani, Maharashtra, has been arrested for allegedly setting his wife, Maina, on fire after she gave birth to their third daughter. 据报告,Kale一直在嘲弄Maina生三个女儿,并经常与她为此事吵架。 Kale had reportedly been taunting Maina over having three daughters and frequently fought with her about it. 经过辩论,他向她泼汽油,放火烧她,导致她因严重烧伤而死亡。 After an argument, he poured petrol on her and set her ablaze, leading to her death from severe burns.