在多伦多,一名19岁的妇女面临二级谋杀和纵火指控,因为一名婴儿在火灾中死亡。 A 19-year-old woman in Toronto faces charges of second-degree murder and arson after a fire killed her infant.
多伦多一名19岁的妇女Kathrynn Quita Batugal被指控在10月25日她四个月大的女儿在一场房屋火灾中死亡后犯有二级谋杀和纵火罪。 A 19-year-old woman in Toronto, Kathrynn Quita Batugal, has been charged with second-degree murder and arson following the death of her four-month-old daughter in a house fire on October 25. 消防员从大火中救出两人,但婴儿后来在医院死亡,母亲受重伤。 Firefighters rescued both from the blaze, but the infant later died in the hospital, while the mother suffered serious injuries. 火灾原因正在调查之中,警方正在寻求公众提供进一步信息。 The fire's cause is under investigation, and police are seeking further information from the public.