堪萨斯州的选民公民身份证明法被视为违宪,阻止31 000多名美国公民登记。 Kansas' voter citizenship proof law, deemed unconstitutional, blocked over 31,000 U.S. citizens from registering.
2011年,堪萨斯州实施了选民登记公民证明要求,阻止31 000多名美国公民登记,占首次登记者的12%。 Kansas implemented a proof-of-citizenship requirement for voter registration in 2011, which blocked over 31,000 U.S. citizens from registering, constituting 12% of first-time registrants. 该法被视为违宪,自2018年以来一直没有执行。 The law was deemed unconstitutional and not enforced since 2018. 尽管如此,其他以共和党为首的州,如亚利桑那州,尽管堪萨斯州最高选举官斯科特·施瓦布警告反对此类措施,但依然在推行类似的要求。 Despite this, other Republican-led states like Arizona are still pursuing similar requirements, despite warnings from Kansas' top elections official, Scott Schwab, against such measures.