美国最高法院部分恢复了亚利桑那州联邦种族公民选民证明的要求。 US Supreme Court partially reinstates Arizona's proof-of-citizenship voter requirement for federal races.
美国最高法院部分恢复了亚利桑那州的法律,该法要求选民在登记时提供美国公民身份的证明,这是应共和国全国委员会的要求。 The US Supreme Court has partially reinstated an Arizona law requiring voters to provide proof of American citizenship when registering, following a request from the Republican National Committee. 法院裁定亚利桑那州可以要求联邦种族选民登记证明其公民身份,但没有恢复整个法律。 The court ruled that Arizona can demand proof of citizenship for registering voters in federal races, but did not reinstate the law in its entirety. 亚利桑那州11月选举的公民身份证明要求的一些规定被冻结。 Some provisions for Arizona's proof-of-citizenship requirements for the November election were blocked. 该决定允许亚利桑那州核查新登记的选民的公民身份,同时仍允许他们在即将举行的选举中投票。 The decision allows Arizona to verify the citizenship of newly registered voters while still allowing them to vote in the upcoming election. 这项裁决不影响亚利桑那州其余的选民,他们在登记时已经提供了公民身份证明。 The ruling does not impact the remaining voters in Arizona who have already provided proof of citizenship when they registered.