24个州总检察长支持亚利桑那州紧急居留请求, 要求联邦投票需要美国公民身份证明。 24 state attorneys general support Arizona's emergency stay request to require US citizenship proof for federal voting.
24个州总检察长支持亚利桑那州紧急居留请求, 要求美国公民证明, 才能参加联邦选举投票。 24 state attorneys general support Arizona's emergency stay request to require proof of US citizenship for voting in federal elections. 亚利桑那州法律的一部分HB 2492得到共和党的支持,共和党认为《宪法》赋予了确定选民资格的权力。 HB 2492, part of Arizona's law, is backed by the Republican Party who argue the Constitution grants states the power to set voter qualifications. 美国第九巡回上诉法院此前曾驳回亚利桑那州在选民登记表格中证明公民身份的要求。 The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit had previously rejected Arizona's requirement for proof of citizenship in voter registration forms.