佐治亚州的一名法官允许立法者就检察官法妮·威利斯(Fani Willis)对特朗普的起诉传唤她。 A Georgia judge allowed lawmakers to subpoena DA Fani Willis over her prosecution of Trump.
佐治亚州的一名法官裁定,州立法者可以传唤富尔顿县地方检察官法尼·威利斯(Fani Willis),作为对她起诉前总统唐纳德·特朗普期间潜在不当行为的调查的一部分。 A Georgia judge has ruled that state lawmakers can subpoena Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis as part of an inquiry into potential misconduct during her prosecution of former President Donald Trump. 威利斯必须在 1 月 13 日之前对传票提出异议,认为他们寻求的是受法律保护的信息。 Willis has until January 13 to contest the subpoenas, arguing they seek legally protected information. 共和党领导的委员会试图审查她对特朗普和其他人的起诉,因为他们试图推翻 2020 年大选结果,包括她聘请了一名与她有浪漫关系的特别检察官。 The Republican-led committee seeks to examine her prosecution of Trump and others over efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, including her hiring of a special prosecutor who had a romantic relationship with her.