佐治亚州法官允许唐纳德·特朗普对法尼·威利斯取消资格的决定提出上诉。 Georgia judge permits Donald Trump to appeal Fani Willis disqualification decision.
佐治亚州一名法官允许前总统唐纳德·特朗普及其共同被告对一项裁决提出上诉,该裁决允许富尔顿县地方检察官法尼·威利斯留在 2020 年选举干扰案的起诉团队中。 A Georgia judge has allowed former President Donald Trump and his co-defendants to appeal a ruling that permits Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to remain on the prosecution team in the 2020 election interference case. 由于威利斯与特别检察官内森·韦德的恋情,特朗普和他的共同被告现在可以要求佐治亚州上诉法院审查法官不取消威利斯资格或驳回起诉书的决定。 Trump and his co-defendants can now ask the Georgia Court of Appeals to review the judge's decision not to disqualify Willis, or dismiss the indictment, due to her romantic relationship with special prosecutor Nathan Wade. 该案现将由上诉法院审理,并决定是否审理此事。 The case will now be reviewed by the appeals court, which will decide whether to hear the matter.