佐治亚州法院允许州参议院传唤DA Fani Willis 审理Trump的选举案件。 A Georgia court lets state Senate subpoena DA Fani Willis on Trump's election case.
格鲁吉亚法院允许州参议院传唤富尔顿县地方检察官Fani Willis, 指控她起诉前总统Donald Trump, 指控她进行选举干涉。 A Georgia court has allowed the state Senate to subpoena Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis regarding her prosecution of former President Donald Trump over election interference claims. Willis要到1月13日才能辩论所寻求的资料是否受到法律保护。 Willis has until January 13 to argue if the information sought is legally protected. 为调查潜在的不当行为而成立的参议院委员会于8月发出了先前的传票。 The Senate committee, formed to investigate potential misconduct, had sent earlier subpoenas in August. 先前的州上诉法院裁决将Willis从该案中除名, 原因是她与特别检察官的关系“有不当行为出现”。 A previous state appeals court ruling had removed Willis from the case due to an "appearance of impropriety" stemming from her relationship with the special prosecutor.