两名驾摩托车的酒后驾车司机在8月7日和10日的Buffalo Chip营地造成危及生命的事故;两人被捕,正在等待调查。 Two motorcyclists with DUI charges caused life-threatening accidents at Buffalo Chip Campground on Aug 7 & 10; both arrested, awaiting investigation.
Buffalo Chip Campground 发生了两起涉及酒后驾车和车辆电池充电的摩托车事故,导致危及生命的伤害。 Two motorcycle accidents at the Buffalo Chip Campground involving DUI and vehicular battery charges led to life-threatening injuries. Brandon Foss和Robert Shipp因8月7日和10日的单独事件被捕。 Brandon Foss and Robert Shipp were arrested for separate incidents on August 7 and 10. 两人现在都出狱,等待Meade县警察局和刑事调查司正在进行的调查。 Both men, now out of jail, await ongoing investigations by the Meade County Sheriff's Office and the Division of Criminal Investigation. 受害者的状况仍然不明。 The victims' conditions remain undisclosed.