A167 Gatehead Flyover号船因结构问题关闭,工作开始稳定下来,费用为200万英镑至300万英镑。 Work starts to stabilize the A167 Gateshead Flyover, closed due to structural issues, at a cost of £2m-£3m.
A167 Gatehead Flyover号船由于结构性问题自12月13日起关闭,稳定该船的工作已经开始。 Work has begun to stabilize the A167 Gateshead Flyover, closed since December 13 due to structural concerns. 紧急稳定需要大约四天时间,耗资200万-300万英镑。 The emergency stabilization, costing £2m-£3m, will take about four days. 纪念碑和Heworth之间的地铁服务暂停,预计至少到12月31日为止。 Metro services between Monument and Heworth were suspended and are expected to remain so until at least December 31. 头目Kim McGuinness市长和理事会正在努力为一项永久性固定项目获得资金,可能涉及新的道路设计。 Gateshead Mayor Kim McGuinness and council are working to secure funding for a permanent fix, potentially involving a new road design.