科威特埃米尔呼吁加沙停火, 在海合会首脑会议上批评国际“双重标准”。 Kuwait's Emir calls for Gaza ceasefire, criticizes international "double standards" at GCC summit.
科威特埃米尔呼吁加沙停火, 在利雅得海合会峰会上批评国际“双重标准”。 Kuwait's Emir called for a ceasefire in Gaza and criticized international "double standards" during the GCC summit in Riyadh. 首脑会议强调了支持巴勒斯坦平民的区域努力,并赞扬最近停火。 The summit highlighted regional efforts to support Palestinian civilians and praised recent truces. 海湾国家还讨论了经济一体化和安全挑战,强调合作以加强稳定。 Gulf nations also discussed economic integration and security challenges, emphasizing cooperation to enhance stability. 海合会强调了卡塔尔的调解努力以及阿联酋、阿曼和科威特对援助巴勒斯坦人的人道主义贡献。 The GCC highlighted Qatar's mediation efforts and the UAE, Oman, and Kuwait's humanitarian contributions to aid Palestinians. 首脑会议敦促采取全球行动结束加沙冲突,支持两国解决方案。 The summit urged global action to end Gaza's conflict and support a two-state solution.