2名来自明尼苏达州的青少年因据称在威斯康星州焚烧信箱和偷窃邮件而被捕。 Two teens from Minnesota were arrested for allegedly burning mailboxes and stealing mail in Wisconsin.
来自明尼苏达州的两名17岁和15岁的青少年于2024年12月26日因据称在威斯康星州北部Barron县焚烧和毁坏邮箱而被捕。 Two teenagers, aged 17 and 15, from Minnesota were arrested on December 26, 2024, for allegedly burning and damaging mailboxes in northern Barron County, Wisconsin. 这名17岁的人面临多重纵火指控,而15岁的人正被转介到Barron县卫生与公众服务处。 The 17-year-old faces multiple arson charges, while the 15-year-old is being referred to Barron County Health and Human Services. 从其车辆中追回了被盗邮件的证据,案件已转交美国邮政检查员,以支付可能的额外费用。 Evidence of stolen mail was recovered from their vehicle, and the case has been forwarded to the US Postal Inspector for potential additional charges.