MA的18岁的Tyler Savinon因策划在NH的Nashua的邮件盗窃而被捕,这导致金融犯罪。 18-year-old Tyler Savinon from Lowell, MA was arrested for orchestrating a mail theft in Nashua, NH, leading to financial crimes.
18岁的泰勒·萨维农 来自马萨诸塞州洛威尔市 因策划抢劫美国而被捕 Tyler Savinon, 18, from Lowell, Massachusetts, has been arrested for orchestrating a robbery of a U.S. 2024年4月16日,美国邮政服务的邮递员在新罕布什尔州纳什瓦. Postal Service letter carrier in Nashua, New Hampshire, on April 16, 2024. 据称,他指示共犯,包括一名少年,获得蓝色邮箱的钥匙。 He allegedly directed accomplices, including a juvenile, to obtain a key for blue mail collection boxes. 被盗邮件被用于金融犯罪。 The stolen mail was used in financial crimes. 如果被定罪,Savinon将面临长达10年的监禁和巨额罚款。 If convicted, Savinon faces up to 10 years in prison and significant fines. 他将在N. H. Concord出庭。 He is set to appear in court in Concord, N.H.