2名青少年被控于8月16日在怀俄明州的Sage公园纵火、违反宵禁和扰乱秩序,造成操场设备损坏。 2 juveniles charged with arson, curfew violation, and disorderly conduct for setting fire at Wyoming's Sage Park on Aug 16, causing playground equipment damage.
2名青少年被控于8月16日在怀俄明州卡斯珀的Sage公园使用气溶胶罐作为缓冲剂纵火,犯有三级纵火、违反宵禁和扰乱治安行为等罪行。 2 juveniles charged with 3rd-degree arson, curfew violation, and disorderly conduct for setting fire at Sage Park, Casper, Wyoming on 16th Aug, using aerosol cans as accelerant. 公园的游乐场设备 由一分钱基金资助 被摧毁 The park's playground equipment, funded by One Cent Funds, was destroyed. 嫌疑人于8月17日接受了采访,但由于青少年政策,他们的身份信息没有公布。 The suspects were interviewed on 17th Aug, but their identifying info isn't released due to juvenile policy. 纽约市已提出赔偿损失的保险索赔。 City has filed an insurance claim for damages.