顶级人工智能官员敦促提高人工智能素养和监管, 以打击偏见并确保公平使用. Top AI official urges better AI literacy and regulation to combat biases and ensure fair use.
AI治理官员Ivana Bartoletti强调, 需要更好的AI扫盲和监管, 以解决偏见并确保公平部署。 Ivana Bartoletti, a top AI governance official, stresses the need for better AI literacy and regulation to address biases and ensure fair deployment. 她强调女性在人工智能领域的缺乏及多元化代表性,强调在决策中多元化观点的重要性. She highlights the lack of women and diverse representation in AI, emphasizing the importance of diverse viewpoints in decision-making. 巴托莱蒂呼吁政府,企业和社会之间合作,以规范人工智能,并指出,虽然教育在人工智能识字方面发挥着作用,但主要责任在于公司和监管机构. Bartoletti calls for collaboration between governments, businesses, and society to regulate AI, noting that while education plays a role in AI literacy, the primary responsibility lies with companies and regulators.