Yoshua Bengio警告开发不安全的人工智能,呼吁加强监管和研究,防止可能的滥用。 Yoshua Bengio warns of unsafe AI development, calling for more regulation and research to prevent potential misuse.
大赦国际的先驱Yoshua Bengio警告说,目前对AI的开发可能会导致产生反人类的系统。 AI pioneer Yoshua Bengio warns that current AI development could lead to systems that turn against humans. 他呼吁开展更多的研究、护栏和监管,以确保AI的安全发展。 He calls for more research, guardrails, and regulation to ensure safe AI development. Bengio是蒙特利尔大学的教授,他对权力集中在能够负担高级人工智能的少数组织和政府中感到关切,这可能会破坏市场和民主的稳定。 Bengio, a professor at the University of Montreal, is concerned about the concentration of power among a few organizations and governments that can afford advanced AI, which could destabilize markets and democracies. 他强调在开发AI方面需要透明度和问责制,以防止误用和确保公共安全。 He stresses the need for transparency and accountability in AI development to prevent misuse and ensure public safety.