盗贼把一辆偷来的车撞到San Leandro的游戏站, 这是加利福尼亚最近四起"抢劫"盗窃案的一部分。 Thieves crashed a stolen car into a GameStop in San Leandro, part of four recent "crash-and-grab" burglaries in California.
小偷将一辆偷来的汽车撞入加利福尼亚州圣莱安德罗的一家游戏站商店, Thieves rammed a stolen car into a GameStop store in San Leandro, California, on Friday, in the latest of four "crash-and-grab" burglaries this week in the East Bay. 警方在圣诞节前夕逮捕了一起类似事件的一名嫌疑人,但仍在寻找其他涉案人员。 Police arrested one suspect from a similar incident on Christmas Eve but are still searching for others involved. 加州州长Gavin Newsom宣布了帮助打击此类犯罪的新立法,将于新年生效。 California's governor, Gavin Newsom, announced new legislation to help combat such crimes, to take effect in the new year.